“Health-Goal” - a digital card game for the learning of nutrition and food safety issues: design and pilot formative evaluation

This paper presents the design, the features and a pilot formative evaluation of a 10 content-level Educational Digital Card Game (EDCG) for the learning of essential food safety and nutrition concepts by pre-primary, primary and secondary level education students. The design of the aforementioned game is based on the “7-step modeling methodology” for constructivist computer card games. A brief description of the features of the EDCG is also presented accompanied by the presentation of results coming from a preliminary evaluation of the game –used as a diagnostic tool of students’ prior knowledge - with 100 students. The analysis of these data show that, students were interested and engaged in the game, while they were triggered to study a number of topics about nutrition and food safety in order to win.
(Πλήθος ανακτήσεων: 67)