Using Computer-Mediated-Communication to Explore Group Dynamics Online

This article will examine the experiences of a group of students who used C&IT to explore issues of group dynamics. Some of the challenges connected with running an online class as part of a face-to-face environment are discussed. The course unit ‘Interpersonal Communication in Education’ has been a core course unit for the M.Ed program ‘Communication, Education and Technology’. The course is experiential and reflective, and aims to develop high levels of interdependence. Aspects of the course were negotiated and students wished to include C&IT as part of the program. This session became part of those devoted to group dynamics. The students were enthusiastic and their responses were analyzed into 5 themes. The feedback from the questionnaires, reflective meetings and plenary suggested that there was enthusiasm to explore an online learning environment more fully and the Program Director is considering including more electronic communication activities into this particular M.Ed program.
(Πλήθος ανακτήσεων: 563)